A largest Aviation community Increased efficiency across case process and invoice reconciliation process through eliminating multiple systems

About the Client

A largest Aviation community Increased efficiency across case process and invoice reconciliation process through eliminating multiple systems.

Use Case
  • DemandBlue team enabled case routing in Salesforce to capture the entire email communication
  • Fully automated the conflicts of interest process in Salesforce
  • Implemented a timer functionality with start/stop buttons
  • DemandBlue team implemented an on-demand sync functionality
  • Implemented a functionality that would display a notification banner on the contact if it is a VIP Contact.
  • Eliminated multiple systems as much as possible and most of the LSP functionalities were done via Salesforce
  • Automation of routine manual tasks saved time and manual efforts
  • Improved time tracking capabilities to ensure better productivity
  • Improved the efficiency of Case Follow up with better UI and automation
  • More efficient and error-free Claims Invoice processes.

Salesforce: Sales Cloud

Technologies: Apex, LWC